Opening Night

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Si Cinco! (Oops)

Wednesday July 7th brought a series of weather changes. In the early hours, the sun was out and it was plenty warm for the Schlitz Gusto Guy breakfast batting practice. By late afternoon the clouds had rolled in over the south metro. By 5pm there was a monsoon dumping rain over Burnsville.

However, as only […]

CP Prefers B&W TV, Rotary Phones and Everything Else 1975

Another week of Schlitz Gusto Guy softball and more lessons learned. First, the evening only gets more entertaining as the minutes turn to hours and a 7:30pm arrival turns into an 11:30pm departure. If there is one constant in the 20+ years of SFRC / Schlitz Gusto Guy softball, it is the conversations and laughter […]

Recap of June 2, 2010 Almost Requires Separate Posts

It was beautiful out on the evening of June 2, 2010. A night which couldn’t be matched since mid-2009. Dare I this evening was gorgeous (a.k.a. Mrs. H)? It was almost too nice out. The Schlitz Gusto Guys were ready early. We had a full squad of 13 leaders about 15 minutes before game time. […]

Gusto Guy Uniforms are Undefeated

Blurry, but SEXY!

The Gusto Guys lost their Schlitz uniform virginity last night. Numbers don’t lie. The Schlitz Gusto Guys have never lost whilst wearing their Schlitz uniforms. Worth noting, at least 90% of the squad looks sharp, svelte and dare I say, SEXY, in their new uniforms. She was […]

Darrin Nelson, Barry Sanders, Billy Simms and the SFRC…All 20 (2-0)

It was 71 degrees, not a cloud in the skies and winds from left to right. It was absolutely “Mrs. H” for a season opener. Without question the SFRC were in mid-season form. Physically and mentally. That only happens in Week #1 when teams spend 12 months a year together. This only happens by […]