Opening Night

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Karma, Lions, SFRCGG and a Beer Thief

$1299.99 on eBay

Surprisingly, it was a beautiful night for two games. There was jealousy all around for the new SFRCGG beer holder which was still hot off the presses.

You can only keep a lion in a cage for so long. When said lion comes out of its cage, it may snack […]

Season Goal: Third Place

Game #1 vs. Celt’s Pub

Celt’s Pub is the top team in the league and they were looking to add to that lead by beating up on the SFRCGG. Unfortunately for them, we had other plans. We scored four runs in the first inning to take an early 4-2 lead. Celts Pub didn’t quit and […]

Five Straight

I believe the SGG have accomplished something the SFRC never did. They have rattled off five straight losses. We are venturing into new territory now. The weather is starting to warm up and the SFRCGG have always been a better warm weather team than a cool weather team. See the National “Usually Blessed Sometimes Cursed” […]