Opening Night

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Gusto Guy Uniforms are Undefeated

Blurry, but SEXY!

The Gusto Guys lost their Schlitz uniform virginity last night. Numbers don’t lie. The Schlitz Gusto Guys have never lost whilst wearing their Schlitz uniforms. Worth noting, at least 90% of the squad looks sharp, svelte and dare I say, SEXY, in their new uniforms. She was […]

Darrin Nelson, Barry Sanders, Billy Simms and the SFRC…All 20 (2-0)

It was 71 degrees, not a cloud in the skies and winds from left to right. It was absolutely “Mrs. H” for a season opener. Without question the SFRC were in mid-season form. Physically and mentally. That only happens in Week #1 when teams spend 12 months a year together. This only happens by […]