July. Our first double-header was in July. You read that correctly. July. July 9th, 2020. No one could have imagined COVID-19 wreaking havoc on the Burnsville D/E Red softball league. Mother Nature was not informed as we have been staring at beautiful weather on Thursday from the LEADER’S respective lockdown locations since mid-April.
How do we know it is softball season? This fan was watching the game before us.
The SFRC were ready. Safe on an error, out, single, walk, single and the SFRC plated three in the top of the 1st inning. The good start was followed by a three pitch bottom of the inning by Pauly. The SFRC scored one in the second and shutdown Suicide Squad in a quick bottom of the second. The top of the third was started by a single, F7, safe on an error and then Memphis Nate (FNG) delivered a 2 x RBI triple and STEVE STEVE STEVE drove him in with a single of his own. Pauly was on fire on the bump shutting them down in the bottom of the third to continue to shutout. The SFRC pieced together a run in the top of the fourth. The Suicide Squad launched two x 2-run homeruns in the bottom of the fourth to threaten the Fighting Red C’s of Skyline, but we have been here before and delivered three runs in the top of the fifth.
Final Score: SFRC 11 – Suicide Squad 6
Last out: Pub Krull
As we have said before, you can’t win them both if you don’t win the first.
Good ol’ D&T. They were missing the shortstop who threw a bat past first base last year after ending a game with a pedestrian ground out to short. This is a scrappy team with veterans and youngsters. Kenny and Memphis Nate went deep (hit homeruns too). Pub Krull and Kenny both finished the game 4-4. Runs were scored in every inning, but D&T simply couldn’t keep up with the SFRC.
Final Score: SFRC 19 – D&T 13
Last out: Memphis Nate (we will take the beer holder until try-outs are complete)
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