I’m not sure where to start. It’s been a poor showing for Ol’ 3-5 on the field and at the plate in 2014 and it’s been a poor showing for Ol’ 3-5 online in 2014. Let’s not dwell on how we have landed here. Rather, as any leader would do, let’s look forward.
This may be the first recap of 2014, but I’m hoping it won’t be the last.
An email arrived to all the SFRC Leaders from Sans, on queue with his weekly, “Who is in and who is out” theme. The message was simple. We had 10 leaders and whilst he was not going to be present, he was suggesting the rest of the leaders find an 11th body. The response? Crickets. Nothing. Perhaps he knew something we didn’t. Was someone going to be late? Was a leader among us nursing an injury? Perhaps he just wanted fewer at-bats per leader for everyone that could make it. We may never know the real reason. Game day arrived and CHill decided to inquire. Maybe he was concerned someone was in doubt based on the original email. Or maybe it was just a foreshadowing to a leader who needed to backtrack because he forgot his sack. At any rate, the leaders collectively determined, “Our team is on the floor.” 10 Leaders = plenty of ABs. 10 committed leaders is a full squad. #0, I want you to read that sentence again. 10 committed leaders is a full squad.
Game 1 vs. Sick SOP
For the second time in the Burnsville D-Lower Thursday night softball league, the Legends in Royal Blue (SFRC) took the field against the imposters, also wearing royal blue. They may wear the same colors and carried the same record entering the game, but the similarities ended there. We’ve worked through the Google searches. There is no sicksop.com website. No sicksop.org, sicksop.biz, sicksop.org. This is not a global team. This squad did, however, like to go middle. They attempted to go after our very own comback player of the year, Brain. He would have none of it. After a few put outs by Brain, they started trying other areas in the field to no avail.
At the dish, the 10 committed leaders drove the ball to all fields, including those past the 300 foot signs. This onslaught was led by last year’s SFRC Rookie of the Year, Kenny and his three bombs. In the end, the result was similar to the first meeting of these two squads with the SFRC ending the game at the plate with Red proclaiming, “That’s enough. Ball game.”
One of Kenny’s three homeruns that each traveled north of 340 feet.
Pub Krull drives a double over the left-centerfielder’s head.
Game 2 vs. Zachry Engineering
The SFRC took the momentum created in Game #1 and used it to catapult into Game #2. We locked it down on defense early allowing no runs to start the game. From the good side of Lac Lavon Field E we plated four to take a quick 4 – 0 lead. The second inning was reminiscent of the legendary 8th inning on Neill Field B, circa 2003’ish. Pete led off the inning with a solid single to get the activity started. There were plenty of hits, a few errors, lots of running and run after run after run. This inning didn’t end until Pete likely set a SFRC record by going 3-3…IN THE SECOND INNING, leading to a 20-run SFRC at-bat. The ball continued to travel well in the cool air and each team struggled to keep it in the park when they needed to. Kenny hit another pair of HRs, making five home runs for the evening (likely another SFRC record), C20 hit a HR and a blind squirrel found a nut when 35 barely cleared the chained link. Pub Krull even went 3-3 from the left side of the plate. Clearly he’s a switch-hitter. Things got a little weird late when the good sports on the Fighting Red C’s laid off the base paths a bit and Zahry Engineering mounted a comeback. The SFRC showed their flexibility in the field by flopping some of the infielders and outfielders and didn’t commit many errors. CHill showed some diversity by locking down 3B admirably and Lars and 35 managed left and left-center. In the end, the SFRC did what they do, completing the sweep and the perfect evening by hanging on for a 22-18 win in the night-cap.
Speaking of perfect, the conditions held up long after the lights were out at Lac Lavon and a few leaders closed out the park the only way we know how. Reminiscing about things that had happened in the mid to late 90’s at Lac Lavon, telling stories our very own 2’s would enjoy.
Final thought: One benefit of playing Thursday evenings is that when the conditions are right and you depart the fields and open the garage door on Friday, the weekends starts the same night.
Worth mentioning, the quotes have been updated for 2014.
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