First point of interest. We are two weeks into the SFRC v 2013 and we have a solid start to our quote page.
78 degrees and sunny. It was perfect softball weather. The FRC were a little short-handed, but ever the optimist Pub Krull acknowledged there would be “more at-bats.”
Game 1: SKYLINE vs. Vancortlandt Rangers
Decent guys. Much younger. Better hitters. Ol’ #35 set the tone early on by throwing a ball 15 feet to the right of 2nd base whilst standing 13 feet from 2nd base. It’s not easy to do. At the plate we started off solid, scoring four runs to start the first inning. Unfortunately, they beat us up a little bit after that and it was tough to catch up. The opposing pitcher was tossed for a foul mouth. In his defense, his words were directed at himself, not the ump or any of the FRC leaders. Make no mistake, Red had control of this game. You have to hand it to a guy who is visiting SFRCMP and yet claims it as his own.
Later in the evening we heard “I could not wait to get off of Neill A.” To be clear, that is “of” not “on.”
Last out: Potter
Game 2: SKYLINE vs. Beer Me
This game went back and fourth. They scored five to start the game, the FRC countered with two. They came back with five more in the 2nd inning and the FRC answered with four. Unfortunately, in the end they found the gaps and robbed CW of at least a two run double in deep center (early candidate for Play of the Year – if only opposing teams were eligible) en route to a 20-12 win.
Last out: Thirty-Great
The Vegas odds of a third place finish for the FRC got beter after the 0-2 night, but the spirits were not broken. A few items worth mentioning:
- Fan of the game may be @jennifer_studer (just trust the committee on this one)
- A good number of the FRC stayed until just before Thursday on this perfect evening
- Poor Thirty-Nate…He has only hit into an out three times this season, but is stuck with the refreshment holder for the week
- Pub Krull took a strike in at least two at-bats on May 15, 2013 (this is just being documented since 10 years from now we may wonder if it ever happened)
Random clip that some of the FRC’s may appreciate:
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