Schlitz Processed Food Night
Processed food night brought out the masses. There may have been tornados and thunderstorms to the North and East, but above Neill there was a nary a cloud. It simply doesn’t rain at Neill. The stats are updated. Pictures from processed food night can be found here.
Game #1 vs. Booze Brothers
At 6pm the FRC crowd was lean, but that would change before the evening was done.
There are a handful of teams the FRC have faced over the past 20 years that could probably beat us with eight players. The 2009 version of the Booze Brothers is not one of those teams. They started with eight fielders and were buried before their ninth and tenth players arrived. The SFRC simply took advantage of the gaps and sent leader after leader to the plate on the way to an 18-3 shellacking of the Booze Brothers. It didn’t feel that close.
Final score: SFRC 18 – Booze Brothers 3
Last out: Ryan
Plays of the game:
In the field: There were a few nice plays by CW and Pub Krull staring at the brightest star in our sky.
At the plate: Leader, Leader, Leader, Leader, etc. I think everyone hit the ball well. This was partly due to the lack of fielders and partly due to the fact that the FRC are coming into their own in mid July. Pub Krull also hitting a HR and followed it up with two swings and misses for a K.
Game #2 vs. Edina Realty
There was standing room only for Game #2 at SFRCP a.k.a. Neill Field A. Game #2 was a competitive game that went back and forth throughout. They scored a couple, we scored a few, they scored eight, we scored three, they scored one, we scored four, etc.
Final score: SFRC 11 – Edina Realty 12
Last out: Cinco
Plays of the game:
In the field: Pub Krull sits back 270 in left field and waits, waits, waits….then runs in and makes a basket catch at 200 feet.
At the plate: 35 with a graceful slide into second base. There is a good reason Ol’ 35 doesn’t slide very often.
Fans of the night:
The list is long and distinguished. In no particular order…David & Rita Jonson, Heidi Thompson, Susan Meinke, Anna & Owen Stangl, Pat Garrity, Dave Jones, Brent Denoma, Julie, Neihaus family, CW family, Neil Bailey, Steve Oaks, Greg Lovstad, Patsy, Trisha, Kathy Goering, Joann, Don Schwabauer and Kris Cecare.
Post games recap / Quotes of the night (The list really could go on and on):
· “She was born in 1978. She should act like it.”
· “She does not seem to be the kind of girl to jump on that donkey and whip it like there is no tomorrow.”
· “Patsy, you bent my thingy.”
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